Friday, August 16, 2013

Lush Mask of Magnaminty

Hello everyone! If you follow me on Instagram you've seen I have bought and been trying out Lush's Mask of Magnaminty. This mask does not need to be refrigerated which is why I bought it over one of the other ones. This mask is $12.95. It is supposed to pull dirt from your pores, exfoliate, calm redness, and soothe your skin. You use it once a week on your face or back to improve your skin! This is supposed to smell like peppermint, and it kind of does, but not strongly. It has a very odd smell. It has aduki beans in it to exfoliate your skin when you wash it off. It does wonders for my acne! I bought this when I was in Colorado because my skin was breaking out so badly! I guess from the altitude change or the flight, I don't really know. But I got it to calm my skin down and it worked wonders! I had two pimples and a rising one and after just one use they were almost gone and the rising one wasn't even there anymore! It starts to harden on your face after about 10 or 15 minutes and after that I wash it off! I am so happy that I added this to my skincare routine because it does so much good for my skin! I look forward to buying more Lush products and I hope you guys enjoyed this post! :) 


  1. One day I'll try a Lush product. I've heard good things about this mask, so it's definitely on my list.

    1. This is my first and only lush product! I did try a few other things in the store that I would've loved to pick up but I settled on just this instead :)

  2. I tagged you to do the My First Time Tag! Details are on my blog at :)

    xx Kim
